Sunday, May 16, 2010

Home Additions

We're finally starting to make our house feel like a home, after it was formerly a construction site for a few months.  Some of the items that make our home include a dining table and chairs:

The set came from hubby's parents and it's a beautiful white set with a golden wood table top.  Looking into the dining room, it completes our antique white theme with our cabinets.  Our cat Elvis is making a cameo from the south chair.

The other piece of furniture we received was a white coffee table with wicker baskets for our living room.

I love how the white looks with our dark colored floors.  

The white theme makes a full circle from the kitchen to the living room, also.  

And to really complete the white theme:  

OK, he's not a piece of furniture, but he certainly makes it feel like home.  

He's king of the yard, or at least this part of it.

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